Wednesday, January 17, 2007

On finding yourself caught like a Treen in a disabled Venusian Space Cruiser

On finding yourself caught like a Treen in a disabled Venusian Space Cruiser

Scaryduckling made a confession. A confession about an awful, awful incident on a Saturday shopping trip into Weymouth that I vowed I would not stick on my blog. Here it is then, the aftermath of an ill-advised V-sign at one of her school's more ...err... unpopular girls:

Angry-looking not so Yummy Mummy: "You! Yes you! The not unattractive girl in the blue coat! Are you sticking two fingers up at me?"

Scaryduckling: "No... err... it was at the girl behind you."

Not Yummy Mummy: "That would be my daughter, then."

Scaryduckling (top marks for thinking on her feet here): "No. Not her. The girl behind her."

Not Yummy Mummy: "My other daughter."

Scaryduckling: "LEG IT!!!"

Social embarrassment - it's not just for grown-ups.

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